
  • Healing Sessions for People

    Many different energies and emotions are held in our bodies, taking up precious space, causing pain and often leading to disease.

    Your healing session begins with sacred dialogue to understand what issues are important to you. This is followed by an energetic healing to clear your body of that which you are ready to clear. You control your healing by defining the areas of healing. My Healing Team and I take care of the energetics to process your healing. Channeled Guidance is generally offered at the end of your healing time. Once the initial guidance is offered you have an opportunity to ask the Guides more specific questions.

  • Healing Sessions for Animals

    Animals hold different energies and emotions in their bodies, take on their human’s issues or carry forward trauma from their early lives before being rescued. Abandonment issues, behaviour issues, aggression/fear issues take a heavy toll on the animal/human dynamic.

    Healing sessions are unique to the animal, directed by telepathic communication with your animal companion and conversations with you about your animal’s care. I specialize in enhancing communication between you and your animal by:

    - clarifying reasons for behavioural issues and providing guidance

    - by illuminating health concerns so your health care visit is more focused

    - by identifying root causes of emotional issues and providing guidance and energy healings

    My Healing Team and I take care of the energetics, and my Guides offer channeled guidance to you about your animal. Topics can include, but are not limited to: health, emotions, behaviours, fears, abandonment, aggressive reactions, quirks, whether an animal is ready to cross the rainbow bridge.

  • Channeled Guidance Sessions

    Often we can lose sight of our focus, our direction as we struggle with day-to-day life. We become unhappy, but can’t identify why. We dislike our jobs, but don’t know what else to do. We are unhappy in our relationships but are too immobilized to make changes.

    These are times when seeking channeled guidance is helpful. Guidance is offered as ‘pointing to instructions’. Free-will always applies and is honoured. Rather, channeled guidance often helps to cut through the shadow and provide clarity for some of the muddled happenings that occur in our lives. Channeled guidance is always about love, and never offers negative, harmful guidance.

    Your channeled guidance session begins with sacred dialogue as you express your concerns, the issues bogging you down. Once general guidance is offered by the Guides, (which is always a fuller and deeper perspective for you to consider) there is opportunity for you to ask more specific questions directly to the Guides. You are encouraged to record the session and listen to the message again. These sessions can occur in my sacred healing space, or via Zoom.

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