Animal Work Testimonials
“The transformation in our cat was as amazing as it was quick. She went from being frightened of practically anything which moved to being much calmer around people and other animals literally overnight, thanks to Camille’s extraordinary healing powers. The advice Camille was able to give us about how to feed and treat her was most helpful too. Highly recommended.”
— Peter, Spain
“Certainty. We all wish we had it, especially when it comes to our furry family members. This is especially true as they get older and begin to develop issues and challenges. Our vets can run tests that can lead us to believe that all is well, and through no fault of their own, turns out to be untrue. In our case our dogs, especially the Siberian Huskies, have been experts at hiding their health challenges. We are grateful for Camille's communication ability that helps us reveal the truth. Sometimes that has given us the opportunity to help them when normally we wouldn't have taken those steps, making their lives better. Other times it means knowing that there is nothing left to do, but knowing has allowed us to feel that we are doing the right thing in each case.”
— Kathryn & Pete, Georgia USA
“I was pet sitting for a couple with a young dog that had been rescued from street life the month prior. There were a number of behavioural issues, as could be expected. She would not stop eating if there was any food in the dish, was very anxious most of the time and was not doing well with being house trained. With the couple’s permission I contacted Camille for help. She worked long distance with Jasper and let us know that the feeding regimen she was on was wrong and suggested another schedule. She reassured Jasper that she was now in her forever home and no longer had to worry about abandonment. She also let Jasper know that dogs did not do their business in their forever homes, but outside. Once these suggestions were introduced, Jasper’s behaviour improved immensely. It was like she was a different dog. Camille also let us know that Jasper was pregnant. This was a surprise but a month later, Jasper had 8 puppies.”
— Donna, Mexico/Winnipeg CA
“If you need answers about your pets, Camille and her channel group (Janaki) can help. With her ability to communicate with my dog (Winston) and cat (Cleo), Camille was able to give me information that was invaluable for their well-being. My deep gratitude for her wonderful gifts which immensely helped my beloved pets.”
— Nikki, Winnipeg CA
“Since they were kittens, we have worked with Camille for our two sister cats, Minnie and Patootie. We are very grateful for all the assistance and insight she has provided to us. Initially, she assisted us in understanding and managing small but troublesome behavioural issues with Patootie. Over the years she has communicated with both, helping to calm them during illnesses and other unusually stressful times. Importantly, she diagnosed a serious chronic health issue with Minnie, which was subsequently confirmed by our vets. Her condition had initially eluded diagnosis. Perhaps most dramatically, when Min die was young, she began to be inexplicably terrorized by one of us, with no apparent cause and this went on for months. Camille communicated with her and in less than a day, Minnie came to us for a cuddle and was thereafter affectionate and relaxed with both of us. When <innie came to her end of life, Camille communicated with her and her sister, providing us with insight and consolation at a very difficult time for all of us.
— Jane & Adriano, Winnipeg, CA
Healing Work Testimonials
“Camille is a gifted healer and her practical and heart-centered approach is results oriented. In session Camille will support you to identify the area of your life in which you most require her support/guidance and then will work with blinding clarity and intricate skill to allow your whole system (body, mind and soul) to move towards equilibrium, healing and solutions. My personal experience of working with her is that her work generates profound healing in a very short space of time. As a result of her channeling of Divine guidance, the healing energy is exquisitely accurate and rejuvenating. Camille has provided unwavering support and love during an extremely difficult period in my life which has enabled me to find ground and agency to navigate the storm, she is an ally of the greatest kind. When life throws all the things at you, you want Camille on your side.”
— Liz, Brisbane AU
“Camille is an incredible, intuitive, gifted energy healer and Wise Woman. I have shifted and healed greatly with her energy healings and loving guidance. She has the ability to feel into, unlock, and heal deeply hidden blocks. I highly recommend her energy facilitations to all wishing to heal their body, mind, Soul and Spirit.”
— Nikki, Winnipeg CA
“I am a breast cancer survivor but the process of healing took a significant toll on my body. Some of the trauma had resolved after a number of years but I was left with a number of issues both physically and emotionally. I was left with neuropathy in my hands and feet. It was starting to expand up into my calves. I was also experiencing intense cramping at times in my feet, legs as well as in my torso. especially my torso. At times the cramping at the surgery site was almost crippling. It felt like I was being stabbed. It would literally take my breath away. My legs would cramp so badly I would be unable to stand. I thought I would have to live with this, that this was a good as it would get. Camille suggested we do some energy work around releasing the trauma that was still being activated by the past cancer experience. After 3 sessions most of my issues were resolving. They have not totally disappeared yet and will sometimes reoccur but at a much lesser degree. When this happens Camille does a session with me remotely as I am currently out of the country. I feel like I am finally healing and am so grateful for the work Camille is doing, loving, gentle and supportive healing work.”
- Donna, Mexico/Winnipeg CA
“Camille's energy work and channeling has been a big support to my physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Her work has helped me transform and heal physical challenges, release old traumas, and provided me with clarity and support in times of difficulty.”
— Rhea, Ireland
“Camille is a rare find. With her wisdom and healing ability, I feel free and alive, and I know myself much better. I was not grounded and didn't have the understanding of how to ground myself. She gave me the tools to keep my Spirit and being on earth. Thank you Camille!”
— Adra, Winnipeg CA
Channeling Work Testimonials
“I am so grateful to Camille's channeling groups. They have given me sage and compassionate guidance and I have healed with their loving energetic embrace during and beyond facilitations. Blue Eagle Clan, Golden Light Group and HeartSong Way will assist all who desire a deeper journey.”
— Nikki, Winnipeg CA
“I have been fascinated with energy work for years and Camille is such a great resource for guidance and healing. She has been able to help me work through some otherwise difficult emotions with ease, comfort and compassion. You will forever be changed and positively impacted by her work. So grateful for her support.”
— Jody, Winnipeg CA
“My personal experience of working with Camille is that her work generates profound healing in a very short space of time. As a result of her channeling of Divine guidance, the healing energy is exquisitely accurate and rejuvenating.”
— Liz, Brisbane AU
“Over the years there has often been times when my life feels like it has gone off track and many times when I have felt that my journey to connect with Spirit has gotten stuck. Sometimes I am struggling with decisions I have to make or have made. A channeling session with Camille has always given me loving and applicable insight and guidance to work with and/or consider.
— Donna, Mexico/Winnipeg CA
“Camille’s channeling comes from a pure source. It is heart-based, giving guidance in a clear, uncomplicated way. There is no agenda, just what is for my highest good. It is trustworthy. My questions were answered in a practical and insightful way.”
— Genevieve, Melbourne, AU